September 28, 2006

Hoagy and No Oprah learned the hard way...

sad, so sad...

September 26, 2006

Gang graffiti?

September 22, 2006

September 18, 2006

Curse you!!

You ate my ring!!!!

September 17, 2006

6 days...

To the big Rolling Stones concert in the Commons...

ummm...fellows, you're gonna run outta time soon. Get to work!

September 16, 2006

That's not a whale...

Went on a whale watching trip today.

Where the feck were the whales?

September 12, 2006

Damn, I missed my chance...

So I took a walk down to a certain harbour on sunday...and to my surprise saw this:

police divers to be exact...and guess what they found this morning?! Yes, a body! I always wanted to find me one of those...oh well

September 11, 2006

September 06, 2006

No Oprah and Hoagy as kids

Hoagy insisted that he wear the dress that day...ah, good times!

September 05, 2006

Is this her?

according to No Oprah it's Katie Couric day...

September 04, 2006

Hello Sailor!

September 03, 2006

Been clam digging?

No, I've been clam digging.

September 02, 2006
