October 01, 2006

Roger ain't just a shrubber


At 7:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In some countries, chocolate is a type of meat

At 7:24 AM, Blogger Cake said...


At 8:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dr. WhoAmI said...

You have a riveting web log
and undoubtedly must have
atypical & quiescent potential
for your intended readership.
May I suggest that you do
everything in your power to
honor your encyclopedic/omniscient
Designer/Architect as well
as your revering audience.
As soon as we acknowledge
this Supreme Designer/Architect,
Who has erected the beauteous
fabric of the universe, our minds
must necessarily be ravished with
wonder at His infinate goodness,
wisdom and power.

Please remember to never
restrict anyone's opportunities
for ascertaining uninterrupted
existence for their quintessence.

There is a time for everything,
a season for every activity
under heaven. A time to be
born and a time to die. A
time to plant and a time to
harvest. A time to kill and
a time to heal. A time to
tear down and a time to
rebuild. A time to cry and
a time to laugh. A time to
grieve and a time to dance.
A time to scatter stones
and a time to gather stones.
A time to embrace and a
time to turn away. A time to
search and a time to lose.
A time to keep and a time to
throw away. A time to tear
and a time to mend. A time
to be quiet and a time to
speak up. A time to love
and a time to hate. A time
for war and a time for peace.

Here's what great men have
said about the world's best -

"I believe the Bible is the best gift
God has ever given to man. All
the good from the Savior of the
world is communicated to us
through this book."
-- President Abraham Lincoln

"For we must consider that we shall
be as a City upon a hill. The eyes of
all people are upon us. So that if we
shall deal falsely with our God in this
work we have undertaken, and so
cause Him to withdraw his present
help from us, we shall be made a
story and a byword throughout the
world." --John Winthrop, Governor
of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, 1630

"It is impossible to rightly govern the
world without God and the Bible."
- President George Washington

"The Bible is no mere book, but a Living
Creature, with a power that conquers
all that oppose it." - Napoleon

"That Book accounts for the supremacy
of England." - Queen Victoria

"If there is anything in my thought or
style to commend, the credit is due my
parents for instilling in me an early
love of the Scriptures. If we abide by
the principals taught in the Bible, our
country will go on prospering and to
prosper; but if we and our posterity
neglect its instructions and authority,
no man can tell how sudden a
catastrophe may overwhelm us and
bury all our glory in profound obscurity."
- Daniel Webster (Founding Father)

"The Bible is worth all other books which
have ever been printed." - Patrick Henry
(original member of the Continental Congress)

"The Bible is the anchor of our liberties."
- President U.S. Grant

"It is impossible to enslave mentally or socially
a Bible-reading people. The principals of the
Bible are the groundwork of human freedom."
- Horace Greeley (Editor)

"That Book is the rock on which our Republic
rests." - President Andrew Jackson

"In all my perplexities and distresses, the Bible
has never failed to give me light and strength."
- Gen. Robert E. Lee

"Bible reading is an education in itself."
- Lord Tennyson (Poet)

"So great is my veneration for the Bible that the
earlier my children begin to read it the more
confident will be my hope that they will prove
useful citizens of their country and respectable
members of society. I have formany years made
it a practice to read through the Bible once
every year." - President John Quincy Adams

"The existence of the Bible, as a Book for the
people, is the greatest benefit which the human
race has ever experienced. Every attempt to
belittle it is a crime against humanity."
- Immanuel Kant (Philosopher)

"The New Testament is the very best Book that
ever or ever will be known in the world."
- Charles Dickens (Author)

"All human discoveries seem to be made only
for the purpose of confirming more and more
strongly the truths contained in the Sacred
Scriptures." - Sir William Herschel (Astronomer)

"There are more sure marks of authenticity
in the Bible than in any profane history."
- Sir Isaac Newton (Scientist)

"Let mental culture go on advancing,
let the natural sciences progress in
even greater extent and depth, and
the human mind widen itself as much
as it desires; beyond the elevation
and moral culture of Christianity, as
it shines forth in the Gospels, it will
not go." - Goethe (Author)

"I have known ninety-five of the world's
great men in my time, and of these eight-
seven were followers of the Bible. The
Bible is stamped with a Specialty of Origin,
and an immeasurable distance separates
it from all competitors."
- W.E. Gladstone (Prime Minister)

"Whatever merit there is in anything that
I have written is simply due to the fact that
when I was a chile my mother daily read
me a part of the Bible and daily made me
learn a part of it by heart." - John Ruskin
(art critic and social commentator)

"The Bible has been the Magna Charta of the
poor and oppressed. The human race is not
in a position to dispense with it." - Thomas
Huxley (Author & Scientist)

"The whole hope of human progress is
suspended on the ever growing influence
of the Bible." - W.H. Seward (Secretary of State)

"America was born a Christian nation. America
was born to exemplify that devotion to the
elements of righteousness, which are derived
from the revelations of Holy Scriptures. Part
of the destiny of Americans lies in their daily
perusal of this great book of revelations.
That if they would see America free and
pure they will make their own spirits free
and pure by this baptism of the Holy Spirit."
--President Woodrow Wilson

For Christians, the life and death of Jesus
are the ultimate expressions of love, and
the supreme demonstrations of God's
mercy, faithfulness, and redemption.
Since Christ's miraculous Resurrection
on Easter, more than 2,000 years ago,
Christians have expressed joy and
gratitude for this wondrous sacrifice
and for God's promise of freedom for
the oppressed, healing for the broken -
hearted, and salvation. --President
George W. Bush

"It cannot be emphasized too strongly
or too often that this great nation was
founded, not by religionists, but by
Christians; not on religions, but on
the gospel of Jesus Christ. For this
very reason peoples of other faiths
have been afforded asylum, prosperity,
and freedom of worship here."
--Patrick Henry (original member
of the Continental Congress)

God designed humans to want to
believe in something. That's the
image of God that is in us. But as
G. K. Chesterton famously put it,
when we reject the God of the
Bible, we don't believe in nothing;
we believe in everything -- including
Little Green Men. - - Chuck Colson

I am trying here to prevent anyone from
saying the really foolish thing that people
often say about Jesus Christ: "I'm ready
to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher,
but I don't accept His claim to be God."

That is the one thing we must not say.
A man who was merely a man and said
the sort of things Jesus said would not be
a great moral teacher. He would either be
a lunatic -- on a level with a man who says
he is a poached egg -- or else he would be
the Devil of Hell.

You must make your choice. Either this Man
was, and is, the Son of God, or else a madman
or something worse .... You can shut Him up
for fool, you can spit at Him and kill Him as a
demon; or you can fall at His feet and call Him
Lord and God. But let us not come up with any
patronizing nonsense about His being a great
human teacher. He has not left that option
open to us. He did not intend to. -- From
Case for Christianity, by C.S. Lewis

"Let every student be plainly instructed and
earnestly pressed to consider well the main
end of his life and studies is to know God
and Jesus Christ which is eternal life (John
17:3)." - - - The Laws and Statutes of
Harvard College in 1643

"All scholars shall live religious, godly,
and blameless lives according to the rules
of God's Word, diligently reading the Holy
Scriptures, the fountain of light and truth;
and constantly attend upon all the duties
of religion, both in public and secret."
- - - Two central requirements in Yale
College 1745 charter

If you stop believing what your professor
told you had to be true and if you start
thinking for yourself you may come to some
conclusions you hadn't expected. You may
find the Bible makes more sense than you
thought or were told to think. Allow yourself
to be ruined, ruined with regard to what you
always thought could be true. Can you believe
what you don't understand? You and I believe
everyday what we don't understand unless it
comes to the issue of salvation.
- - - Dr. Woodrow Kroll

There is simply no historic foundation for the
position that the Framers intended to build the
'wall of separation' that was constitutionalized
in Everson. The 'wall of separation between
church and state' is a metaphor based on bad
history, a metaphor which has proved useless
as a guide to judging. It should be frankly and
explicitly abandoned. - - - Chief Justice of
the US Supreme Court, William Rehnquist

In 1796 the US Supreme Court issued this
ruling, "By our form of government, the
Christian religion is the established religion,
and all sects and denominations of Christians
are placed on equal footing." Some 57 years
later, after Congress was petitioned to separate
Christian principles from government, in 1853
the House Judiciary Committee issued their
formal report, including these words: "In this
age there is no substitute for Christianity.
This was the religion of the founders of the
republic, and they expected it to be the
religion of their dependents. The great vital,
conservative elements in our system is the
belief of our people in the pure doctrines
and divine truths of the gospel of Jesus
Christ." - - - Dr. Gerald Beavan

"It is the duty of nations, as well as of men,
to own their dependence upon the overruling
power of God and to recognize the sublime
truth announced in the Holy Scriptures and
proven by all history, that those nations only
are blessed whose God is the Lord."
-- President Abraham Lincoln

Trust in yourself and you are doomed to
disappointment; trust in money and you
may have it taken from you; but trust in
God, and you are never to be confounded
in time or eternity. - D.L. Moody

Faith and love are apt to be spasmodic
in the best of minds. Men and women live
on the brink of mysteries and harmonies
into which they never enter and with their
hand on the doorlatch they die outside.
- - GK Chesterton

Best wishes for continued ascendancy,
Dr. Whoami

P.S. Here's some blogs that I found
of interest as I negotiated my way
through cyberspace:

Is Jesus God?
Religion Comparison
Watch The Jesus Movie
Muhammad or Jesus???
Answering Islam
A Short Look At Six World Religions
God's Word in different languages...
How to become a Christian
Who Is Jesus?
Around the Well
Every Student
'Thought & Humor'

Tell me sometime what your thoughts are on the above:O)

At 8:53 AM, Blogger Roger the Shrubber said...

HA! OMG! Get a life.

At 8:55 AM, Blogger Roger the Shrubber said...

Cake--I know that was you!

I love you tracksy!!

Bah hahahaha

At 11:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And let me repeat...

You have a riveting web log
and undoubtedly must have
atypical & quiescent potential
for your intended readership.
May I suggest that you do
everything in your power to
honor your encyclopedic/omniscient
Designer/Architect as well
as your revering audience.
As soon as we acknowledge
this Supreme Designer/Architect,
Who has erected the beauteous
fabric of the universe, our minds
must necessarily be ravished with
wonder at His infinate goodness,
wisdom and power.

Please remember to never
restrict anyone's opportunities
for ascertaining uninterrupted
existence for their quintessence.

There is a time for everything,
a season for every activity
under heaven. A time to be
born and a time to die. A
time to plant and a time to
harvest. A time to kill and
a time to heal. A time to
tear down and a time to
rebuild. A time to cry and
a time to laugh. A time to
grieve and a time to dance.
A time to scatter stones
and a time to gather stones.
A time to embrace and a
time to turn away. A time to
search and a time to lose.
A time to keep and a time to
throw away. A time to tear
and a time to mend. A time
to be quiet and a time to
speak up. A time to love
and a time to hate. A time
for war and a time for peace.

Here's what great men have
said about the world's best -

"I believe the Bible is the best gift
God has ever given to man. All
the good from the Savior of the
world is communicated to us
through this book."
-- President Abraham Lincoln

"For we must consider that we shall
be as a City upon a hill. The eyes of
all people are upon us. So that if we
shall deal falsely with our God in this
work we have undertaken, and so
cause Him to withdraw his present
help from us, we shall be made a
story and a byword throughout the
world." --John Winthrop, Governor
of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, 1630

"It is impossible to rightly govern the
world without God and the Bible."
- President George Washington

"The Bible is no mere book, but a Living
Creature, with a power that conquers
all that oppose it." - Napoleon

"That Book accounts for the supremacy
of England." - Queen Victoria

"If there is anything in my thought or
style to commend, the credit is due my
parents for instilling in me an early
love of the Scriptures. If we abide by
the principals taught in the Bible, our
country will go on prospering and to
prosper; but if we and our posterity
neglect its instructions and authority,
no man can tell how sudden a
catastrophe may overwhelm us and
bury all our glory in profound obscurity."
- Daniel Webster (Founding Father)

"The Bible is worth all other books which
have ever been printed." - Patrick Henry
(original member of the Continental Congress)

"The Bible is the anchor of our liberties."
- President U.S. Grant

"It is impossible to enslave mentally or socially
a Bible-reading people. The principals of the
Bible are the groundwork of human freedom."
- Horace Greeley (Editor)

"That Book is the rock on which our Republic
rests." - President Andrew Jackson

"In all my perplexities and distresses, the Bible
has never failed to give me light and strength."
- Gen. Robert E. Lee

"Bible reading is an education in itself."
- Lord Tennyson (Poet)

"So great is my veneration for the Bible that the
earlier my children begin to read it the more
confident will be my hope that they will prove
useful citizens of their country and respectable
members of society. I have formany years made
it a practice to read through the Bible once
every year." - President John Quincy Adams

"The existence of the Bible, as a Book for the
people, is the greatest benefit which the human
race has ever experienced. Every attempt to
belittle it is a crime against humanity."
- Immanuel Kant (Philosopher)

"The New Testament is the very best Book that
ever or ever will be known in the world."
- Charles Dickens (Author)

"All human discoveries seem to be made only
for the purpose of confirming more and more
strongly the truths contained in the Sacred
Scriptures." - Sir William Herschel (Astronomer)

"There are more sure marks of authenticity
in the Bible than in any profane history."
- Sir Isaac Newton (Scientist)

"Let mental culture go on advancing,
let the natural sciences progress in
even greater extent and depth, and
the human mind widen itself as much
as it desires; beyond the elevation
and moral culture of Christianity, as
it shines forth in the Gospels, it will
not go." - Goethe (Author)

"I have known ninety-five of the world's
great men in my time, and of these eight-
seven were followers of the Bible. The
Bible is stamped with a Specialty of Origin,
and an immeasurable distance separates
it from all competitors."
- W.E. Gladstone (Prime Minister)

"Whatever merit there is in anything that
I have written is simply due to the fact that
when I was a chile my mother daily read
me a part of the Bible and daily made me
learn a part of it by heart." - John Ruskin
(art critic and social commentator)

"The Bible has been the Magna Charta of the
poor and oppressed. The human race is not
in a position to dispense with it." - Thomas
Huxley (Author & Scientist)

"The whole hope of human progress is
suspended on the ever growing influence
of the Bible." - W.H. Seward (Secretary of State)

"America was born a Christian nation. America
was born to exemplify that devotion to the
elements of righteousness, which are derived
from the revelations of Holy Scriptures. Part
of the destiny of Americans lies in their daily
perusal of this great book of revelations.
That if they would see America free and
pure they will make their own spirits free
and pure by this baptism of the Holy Spirit."
--President Woodrow Wilson

For Christians, the life and death of Jesus
are the ultimate expressions of love, and
the supreme demonstrations of God's
mercy, faithfulness, and redemption.
Since Christ's miraculous Resurrection
on Easter, more than 2,000 years ago,
Christians have expressed joy and
gratitude for this wondrous sacrifice
and for God's promise of freedom for
the oppressed, healing for the broken -
hearted, and salvation. --President
George W. Bush

"It cannot be emphasized too strongly
or too often that this great nation was
founded, not by religionists, but by
Christians; not on religions, but on
the gospel of Jesus Christ. For this
very reason peoples of other faiths
have been afforded asylum, prosperity,
and freedom of worship here."
--Patrick Henry (original member
of the Continental Congress)

God designed humans to want to
believe in something. That's the
image of God that is in us. But as
G. K. Chesterton famously put it,
when we reject the God of the
Bible, we don't believe in nothing;
we believe in everything -- including
Little Green Men. - - Chuck Colson

I am trying here to prevent anyone from
saying the really foolish thing that people
often say about Jesus Christ: "I'm ready
to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher,
but I don't accept His claim to be God."

That is the one thing we must not say.
A man who was merely a man and said
the sort of things Jesus said would not be
a great moral teacher. He would either be
a lunatic -- on a level with a man who says
he is a poached egg -- or else he would be
the Devil of Hell.

You must make your choice. Either this Man
was, and is, the Son of God, or else a madman
or something worse .... You can shut Him up
for fool, you can spit at Him and kill Him as a
demon; or you can fall at His feet and call Him
Lord and God. But let us not come up with any
patronizing nonsense about His being a great
human teacher. He has not left that option
open to us. He did not intend to. -- From
Case for Christianity, by C.S. Lewis

"Let every student be plainly instructed and
earnestly pressed to consider well the main
end of his life and studies is to know God
and Jesus Christ which is eternal life (John
17:3)." - - - The Laws and Statutes of
Harvard College in 1643

"All scholars shall live religious, godly,
and blameless lives according to the rules
of God's Word, diligently reading the Holy
Scriptures, the fountain of light and truth;
and constantly attend upon all the duties
of religion, both in public and secret."
- - - Two central requirements in Yale
College 1745 charter

If you stop believing what your professor
told you had to be true and if you start
thinking for yourself you may come to some
conclusions you hadn't expected. You may
find the Bible makes more sense than you
thought or were told to think. Allow yourself
to be ruined, ruined with regard to what you
always thought could be true. Can you believe
what you don't understand? You and I believe
everyday what we don't understand unless it
comes to the issue of salvation.
- - - Dr. Woodrow Kroll

There is simply no historic foundation for the
position that the Framers intended to build the
'wall of separation' that was constitutionalized
in Everson. The 'wall of separation between
church and state' is a metaphor based on bad
history, a metaphor which has proved useless
as a guide to judging. It should be frankly and
explicitly abandoned. - - - Chief Justice of
the US Supreme Court, William Rehnquist

In 1796 the US Supreme Court issued this
ruling, "By our form of government, the
Christian religion is the established religion,
and all sects and denominations of Christians
are placed on equal footing." Some 57 years
later, after Congress was petitioned to separate
Christian principles from government, in 1853
the House Judiciary Committee issued their
formal report, including these words: "In this
age there is no substitute for Christianity.
This was the religion of the founders of the
republic, and they expected it to be the
religion of their dependents. The great vital,
conservative elements in our system is the
belief of our people in the pure doctrines
and divine truths of the gospel of Jesus
Christ." - - - Dr. Gerald Beavan

"It is the duty of nations, as well as of men,
to own their dependence upon the overruling
power of God and to recognize the sublime
truth announced in the Holy Scriptures and
proven by all history, that those nations only
are blessed whose God is the Lord."
-- President Abraham Lincoln

Trust in yourself and you are doomed to
disappointment; trust in money and you
may have it taken from you; but trust in
God, and you are never to be confounded
in time or eternity. - D.L. Moody

Faith and love are apt to be spasmodic
in the best of minds. Men and women live
on the brink of mysteries and harmonies
into which they never enter and with their
hand on the doorlatch they die outside.
- - GK Chesterton

Best wishes for continued ascendancy,
Dr. Whoami

P.S. Here's some blogs that I found
of interest as I negotiated my way
through cyberspace:

Is Jesus God?
Religion Comparison
Watch The Jesus Movie
Muhammad or Jesus???
Answering Islam
A Short Look At Six World Religions
God's Word in different languages...
How to become a Christian
Who Is Jesus?
Around the Well
Every Student
'Thought & Humor'

At 11:19 AM, Blogger Roger the Shrubber said...


At 1:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dr. WhoAmI said...

You have a riveting web log
and undoubtedly must have
atypical & quiescent potential
for your intended readership.
May I suggest that you do
everything in your power to
honor your encyclopedic/omniscient
Designer/Architect as well
as your revering audience.
As soon as we acknowledge
this Supreme Designer/Architect,
Who has erected the beauteous
fabric of the universe, our minds
must necessarily be ravished with
wonder at His infinate goodness,
wisdom and power.

Please remember to never
restrict anyone's opportunities
for ascertaining uninterrupted
existence for their quintessence.

There is a time for everything,
a season for every activity
under heaven. A time to be
born and a time to die. A
time to plant and a time to
harvest. A time to kill and
a time to heal. A time to
tear down and a time to
rebuild. A time to cry and
a time to laugh. A time to
grieve and a time to dance.
A time to scatter stones
and a time to gather stones.
A time to embrace and a
time to turn away. A time to
search and a time to lose.
A time to keep and a time to
throw away. A time to tear
and a time to mend. A time
to be quiet and a time to
speak up. A time to love
and a time to hate. A time
for war and a time for peace.

Here's what great men have
said about the world's best -

"I believe the Bible is the best gift
God has ever given to man. All
the good from the Savior of the
world is communicated to us
through this book."
-- President Abraham Lincoln

"For we must consider that we shall
be as a City upon a hill. The eyes of
all people are upon us. So that if we
shall deal falsely with our God in this
work we have undertaken, and so
cause Him to withdraw his present
help from us, we shall be made a
story and a byword throughout the
world." --John Winthrop, Governor
of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, 1630

"It is impossible to rightly govern the
world without God and the Bible."
- President George Washington

"The Bible is no mere book, but a Living
Creature, with a power that conquers
all that oppose it." - Napoleon

"That Book accounts for the supremacy
of England." - Queen Victoria

"If there is anything in my thought or
style to commend, the credit is due my
parents for instilling in me an early
love of the Scriptures. If we abide by
the principals taught in the Bible, our
country will go on prospering and to
prosper; but if we and our posterity
neglect its instructions and authority,
no man can tell how sudden a
catastrophe may overwhelm us and
bury all our glory in profound obscurity."
- Daniel Webster (Founding Father)

"The Bible is worth all other books which
have ever been printed." - Patrick Henry
(original member of the Continental Congress)

"The Bible is the anchor of our liberties."
- President U.S. Grant

"It is impossible to enslave mentally or socially
a Bible-reading people. The principals of the
Bible are the groundwork of human freedom."
- Horace Greeley (Editor)

"That Book is the rock on which our Republic
rests." - President Andrew Jackson

"In all my perplexities and distresses, the Bible
has never failed to give me light and strength."
- Gen. Robert E. Lee

"Bible reading is an education in itself."
- Lord Tennyson (Poet)

"So great is my veneration for the Bible that the
earlier my children begin to read it the more
confident will be my hope that they will prove
useful citizens of their country and respectable
members of society. I have formany years made
it a practice to read through the Bible once
every year." - President John Quincy Adams

"The existence of the Bible, as a Book for the
people, is the greatest benefit which the human
race has ever experienced. Every attempt to
belittle it is a crime against humanity."
- Immanuel Kant (Philosopher)

"The New Testament is the very best Book that
ever or ever will be known in the world."
- Charles Dickens (Author)

"All human discoveries seem to be made only
for the purpose of confirming more and more
strongly the truths contained in the Sacred
Scriptures." - Sir William Herschel (Astronomer)

"There are more sure marks of authenticity
in the Bible than in any profane history."
- Sir Isaac Newton (Scientist)

"Let mental culture go on advancing,
let the natural sciences progress in
even greater extent and depth, and
the human mind widen itself as much
as it desires; beyond the elevation
and moral culture of Christianity, as
it shines forth in the Gospels, it will
not go." - Goethe (Author)

"I have known ninety-five of the world's
great men in my time, and of these eight-
seven were followers of the Bible. The
Bible is stamped with a Specialty of Origin,
and an immeasurable distance separates
it from all competitors."
- W.E. Gladstone (Prime Minister)

"Whatever merit there is in anything that
I have written is simply due to the fact that
when I was a chile my mother daily read
me a part of the Bible and daily made me
learn a part of it by heart." - John Ruskin
(art critic and social commentator)

"The Bible has been the Magna Charta of the
poor and oppressed. The human race is not
in a position to dispense with it." - Thomas
Huxley (Author & Scientist)

"The whole hope of human progress is
suspended on the ever growing influence
of the Bible." - W.H. Seward (Secretary of State)

"America was born a Christian nation. America
was born to exemplify that devotion to the
elements of righteousness, which are derived
from the revelations of Holy Scriptures. Part
of the destiny of Americans lies in their daily
perusal of this great book of revelations.
That if they would see America free and
pure they will make their own spirits free
and pure by this baptism of the Holy Spirit."
--President Woodrow Wilson

For Christians, the life and death of Jesus
are the ultimate expressions of love, and
the supreme demonstrations of God's
mercy, faithfulness, and redemption.
Since Christ's miraculous Resurrection
on Easter, more than 2,000 years ago,
Christians have expressed joy and
gratitude for this wondrous sacrifice
and for God's promise of freedom for
the oppressed, healing for the broken -
hearted, and salvation. --President
George W. Bush

"It cannot be emphasized too strongly
or too often that this great nation was
founded, not by religionists, but by
Christians; not on religions, but on
the gospel of Jesus Christ. For this
very reason peoples of other faiths
have been afforded asylum, prosperity,
and freedom of worship here."
--Patrick Henry (original member
of the Continental Congress)

God designed humans to want to
believe in something. That's the
image of God that is in us. But as
G. K. Chesterton famously put it,
when we reject the God of the
Bible, we don't believe in nothing;
we believe in everything -- including
Little Green Men. - - Chuck Colson

I am trying here to prevent anyone from
saying the really foolish thing that people
often say about Jesus Christ: "I'm ready
to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher,
but I don't accept His claim to be God."

That is the one thing we must not say.
A man who was merely a man and said
the sort of things Jesus said would not be
a great moral teacher. He would either be
a lunatic -- on a level with a man who says
he is a poached egg -- or else he would be
the Devil of Hell.

You must make your choice. Either this Man
was, and is, the Son of God, or else a madman
or something worse .... You can shut Him up
for fool, you can spit at Him and kill Him as a
demon; or you can fall at His feet and call Him
Lord and God. But let us not come up with any
patronizing nonsense about His being a great
human teacher. He has not left that option
open to us. He did not intend to. -- From
Case for Christianity, by C.S. Lewis

"Let every student be plainly instructed and
earnestly pressed to consider well the main
end of his life and studies is to know God
and Jesus Christ which is eternal life (John
17:3)." - - - The Laws and Statutes of
Harvard College in 1643

"All scholars shall live religious, godly,
and blameless lives according to the rules
of God's Word, diligently reading the Holy
Scriptures, the fountain of light and truth;
and constantly attend upon all the duties
of religion, both in public and secret."
- - - Two central requirements in Yale
College 1745 charter

If you stop believing what your professor
told you had to be true and if you start
thinking for yourself you may come to some
conclusions you hadn't expected. You may
find the Bible makes more sense than you
thought or were told to think. Allow yourself
to be ruined, ruined with regard to what you
always thought could be true. Can you believe
what you don't understand? You and I believe
everyday what we don't understand unless it
comes to the issue of salvation.
- - - Dr. Woodrow Kroll

There is simply no historic foundation for the
position that the Framers intended to build the
'wall of separation' that was constitutionalized
in Everson. The 'wall of separation between
church and state' is a metaphor based on bad
history, a metaphor which has proved useless
as a guide to judging. It should be frankly and
explicitly abandoned. - - - Chief Justice of
the US Supreme Court, William Rehnquist

In 1796 the US Supreme Court issued this
ruling, "By our form of government, the
Christian religion is the established religion,
and all sects and denominations of Christians
are placed on equal footing." Some 57 years
later, after Congress was petitioned to separate
Christian principles from government, in 1853
the House Judiciary Committee issued their
formal report, including these words: "In this
age there is no substitute for Christianity.
This was the religion of the founders of the
republic, and they expected it to be the
religion of their dependents. The great vital,
conservative elements in our system is the
belief of our people in the pure doctrines
and divine truths of the gospel of Jesus
Christ." - - - Dr. Gerald Beavan

"It is the duty of nations, as well as of men,
to own their dependence upon the overruling
power of God and to recognize the sublime
truth announced in the Holy Scriptures and
proven by all history, that those nations only
are blessed whose God is the Lord."
-- President Abraham Lincoln

Trust in yourself and you are doomed to
disappointment; trust in money and you
may have it taken from you; but trust in
God, and you are never to be confounded
in time or eternity. - D.L. Moody

Faith and love are apt to be spasmodic
in the best of minds. Men and women live
on the brink of mysteries and harmonies
into which they never enter and with their
hand on the doorlatch they die outside.
- - GK Chesterton

Best wishes for continued ascendancy,
Dr. Whoami

P.S. Here's some blogs that I found
of interest as I negotiated my way
through cyberspace:

Is Jesus God?
Religion Comparison
Watch The Jesus Movie
Muhammad or Jesus???
Answering Islam
A Short Look At Six World Religions
God's Word in different languages...
How to become a Christian
Who Is Jesus?
Around the Well
Every Student
'Thought & Humor'

Tell me sometime what your thoughts are on the above:O)

At 1:03 PM, Blogger Roger the Shrubber said...

Feck! Gimmee wine

At 1:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Read through this whole comment...there's a big glass of wine at the end, I promise.

Dr. WhoAmI said...

You have a riveting web log
and undoubtedly must have
atypical & quiescent potential
for your intended readership.
May I suggest that you do
everything in your power to
honor your encyclopedic/omniscient
Designer/Architect as well
as your revering audience.
As soon as we acknowledge
this Supreme Designer/Architect,
Who has erected the beauteous
fabric of the universe, our minds
must necessarily be ravished with
wonder at His infinate goodness,
wisdom and power.

Please remember to never
restrict anyone's opportunities
for ascertaining uninterrupted
existence for their quintessence.

There is a time for everything,
a season for every activity
under heaven. A time to be
born and a time to die. A
time to plant and a time to
harvest. A time to kill and
a time to heal. A time to
tear down and a time to
rebuild. A time to cry and
a time to laugh. A time to
grieve and a time to dance.
A time to scatter stones
and a time to gather stones.
A time to embrace and a
time to turn away. A time to
search and a time to lose.
A time to keep and a time to
throw away. A time to tear
and a time to mend. A time
to be quiet and a time to
speak up. A time to love
and a time to hate. A time
for war and a time for peace.

Here's what great men have
said about the world's best -

"I believe the Bible is the best gift
God has ever given to man. All
the good from the Savior of the
world is communicated to us
through this book."
-- President Abraham Lincoln

"For we must consider that we shall
be as a City upon a hill. The eyes of
all people are upon us. So that if we
shall deal falsely with our God in this
work we have undertaken, and so
cause Him to withdraw his present
help from us, we shall be made a
story and a byword throughout the
world." --John Winthrop, Governor
of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, 1630

"It is impossible to rightly govern the
world without God and the Bible."
- President George Washington

"The Bible is no mere book, but a Living
Creature, with a power that conquers
all that oppose it." - Napoleon

"That Book accounts for the supremacy
of England." - Queen Victoria

"If there is anything in my thought or
style to commend, the credit is due my
parents for instilling in me an early
love of the Scriptures. If we abide by
the principals taught in the Bible, our
country will go on prospering and to
prosper; but if we and our posterity
neglect its instructions and authority,
no man can tell how sudden a
catastrophe may overwhelm us and
bury all our glory in profound obscurity."
- Daniel Webster (Founding Father)

"The Bible is worth all other books which
have ever been printed." - Patrick Henry
(original member of the Continental Congress)

"The Bible is the anchor of our liberties."
- President U.S. Grant

"It is impossible to enslave mentally or socially
a Bible-reading people. The principals of the
Bible are the groundwork of human freedom."
- Horace Greeley (Editor)

"That Book is the rock on which our Republic
rests." - President Andrew Jackson

"In all my perplexities and distresses, the Bible
has never failed to give me light and strength."
- Gen. Robert E. Lee

"Bible reading is an education in itself."
- Lord Tennyson (Poet)

"So great is my veneration for the Bible that the
earlier my children begin to read it the more
confident will be my hope that they will prove
useful citizens of their country and respectable
members of society. I have formany years made
it a practice to read through the Bible once
every year." - President John Quincy Adams

"The existence of the Bible, as a Book for the
people, is the greatest benefit which the human
race has ever experienced. Every attempt to
belittle it is a crime against humanity."
- Immanuel Kant (Philosopher)

"The New Testament is the very best Book that
ever or ever will be known in the world."
- Charles Dickens (Author)

"All human discoveries seem to be made only
for the purpose of confirming more and more
strongly the truths contained in the Sacred
Scriptures." - Sir William Herschel (Astronomer)

"There are more sure marks of authenticity
in the Bible than in any profane history."
- Sir Isaac Newton (Scientist)

"Let mental culture go on advancing,
let the natural sciences progress in
even greater extent and depth, and
the human mind widen itself as much
as it desires; beyond the elevation
and moral culture of Christianity, as
it shines forth in the Gospels, it will
not go." - Goethe (Author)

"I have known ninety-five of the world's
great men in my time, and of these eight-
seven were followers of the Bible. The
Bible is stamped with a Specialty of Origin,
and an immeasurable distance separates
it from all competitors."
- W.E. Gladstone (Prime Minister)

"Whatever merit there is in anything that
I have written is simply due to the fact that
when I was a chile my mother daily read
me a part of the Bible and daily made me
learn a part of it by heart." - John Ruskin
(art critic and social commentator)

"The Bible has been the Magna Charta of the
poor and oppressed. The human race is not
in a position to dispense with it." - Thomas
Huxley (Author & Scientist)

"The whole hope of human progress is
suspended on the ever growing influence
of the Bible." - W.H. Seward (Secretary of State)

"America was born a Christian nation. America
was born to exemplify that devotion to the
elements of righteousness, which are derived
from the revelations of Holy Scriptures. Part
of the destiny of Americans lies in their daily
perusal of this great book of revelations.
That if they would see America free and
pure they will make their own spirits free
and pure by this baptism of the Holy Spirit."
--President Woodrow Wilson

For Christians, the life and death of Jesus
are the ultimate expressions of love, and
the supreme demonstrations of God's
mercy, faithfulness, and redemption.
Since Christ's miraculous Resurrection
on Easter, more than 2,000 years ago,
Christians have expressed joy and
gratitude for this wondrous sacrifice
and for God's promise of freedom for
the oppressed, healing for the broken -
hearted, and salvation. --President
George W. Bush

"It cannot be emphasized too strongly
or too often that this great nation was
founded, not by religionists, but by
Christians; not on religions, but on
the gospel of Jesus Christ. For this
very reason peoples of other faiths
have been afforded asylum, prosperity,
and freedom of worship here."
--Patrick Henry (original member
of the Continental Congress)

God designed humans to want to
believe in something. That's the
image of God that is in us. But as
G. K. Chesterton famously put it,
when we reject the God of the
Bible, we don't believe in nothing;
we believe in everything -- including
Little Green Men. - - Chuck Colson

I am trying here to prevent anyone from
saying the really foolish thing that people
often say about Jesus Christ: "I'm ready
to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher,
but I don't accept His claim to be God."

That is the one thing we must not say.
A man who was merely a man and said
the sort of things Jesus said would not be
a great moral teacher. He would either be
a lunatic -- on a level with a man who says
he is a poached egg -- or else he would be
the Devil of Hell.

You must make your choice. Either this Man
was, and is, the Son of God, or else a madman
or something worse .... You can shut Him up
for fool, you can spit at Him and kill Him as a
demon; or you can fall at His feet and call Him
Lord and God. But let us not come up with any
patronizing nonsense about His being a great
human teacher. He has not left that option
open to us. He did not intend to. -- From
Case for Christianity, by C.S. Lewis

"Let every student be plainly instructed and
earnestly pressed to consider well the main
end of his life and studies is to know God
and Jesus Christ which is eternal life (John
17:3)." - - - The Laws and Statutes of
Harvard College in 1643

"All scholars shall live religious, godly,
and blameless lives according to the rules
of God's Word, diligently reading the Holy
Scriptures, the fountain of light and truth;
and constantly attend upon all the duties
of religion, both in public and secret."
- - - Two central requirements in Yale
College 1745 charter

If you stop believing what your professor
told you had to be true and if you start
thinking for yourself you may come to some
conclusions you hadn't expected. You may
find the Bible makes more sense than you
thought or were told to think. Allow yourself
to be ruined, ruined with regard to what you
always thought could be true. Can you believe
what you don't understand? You and I believe
everyday what we don't understand unless it
comes to the issue of salvation.
- - - Dr. Woodrow Kroll

There is simply no historic foundation for the
position that the Framers intended to build the
'wall of separation' that was constitutionalized
in Everson. The 'wall of separation between
church and state' is a metaphor based on bad
history, a metaphor which has proved useless
as a guide to judging. It should be frankly and
explicitly abandoned. - - - Chief Justice of
the US Supreme Court, William Rehnquist

In 1796 the US Supreme Court issued this
ruling, "By our form of government, the
Christian religion is the established religion,
and all sects and denominations of Christians
are placed on equal footing." Some 57 years
later, after Congress was petitioned to separate
Christian principles from government, in 1853
the House Judiciary Committee issued their
formal report, including these words: "In this
age there is no substitute for Christianity.
This was the religion of the founders of the
republic, and they expected it to be the
religion of their dependents. The great vital,
conservative elements in our system is the
belief of our people in the pure doctrines
and divine truths of the gospel of Jesus
Christ." - - - Dr. Gerald Beavan

"It is the duty of nations, as well as of men,
to own their dependence upon the overruling
power of God and to recognize the sublime
truth announced in the Holy Scriptures and
proven by all history, that those nations only
are blessed whose God is the Lord."
-- President Abraham Lincoln

Trust in yourself and you are doomed to
disappointment; trust in money and you
may have it taken from you; but trust in
God, and you are never to be confounded
in time or eternity. - D.L. Moody

Faith and love are apt to be spasmodic
in the best of minds. Men and women live
on the brink of mysteries and harmonies
into which they never enter and with their
hand on the doorlatch they die outside.
- - GK Chesterton

Best wishes for continued ascendancy,
Dr. Whoami

P.S. Here's some blogs that I found
of interest as I negotiated my way
through cyberspace:

Is Jesus God?
Religion Comparison
Watch The Jesus Movie
Muhammad or Jesus???
Answering Islam
A Short Look At Six World Religions
God's Word in different languages...
How to become a Christian
Who Is Jesus?
Around the Well
Every Student
'Thought & Humor'

Tell me sometime what your thoughts are on the above:O)

Oh, sorry, I lied.

At 1:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dr. WhoAmI sagte… . Du hast ein befestigendes Netzmaschinenbordbuch und muß ohne Zweifel haben atypisches u. bewegungsloses Potential für deine beabsichtigte Leserschaft. Mag ich vorschlagen, daß du alles in deiner Energie zu dein enzyklopädisches/allwissend ehren Entwerfer/Architekt außerdem als deine revering Publikum. Sobald wir bestätigen dieser Oberste Entwerfer/Architekt, Wer das beauteous aufgerichtet hat Gewebe des Universums, unser Verstand Muß ist notwendigerweise ravished mit Wunder an seiner infinate Güte, Klugheit und Energie. Zu nie bitte sich erinnern jedermann einschränken Gelegenheiten für das Ermitteln ununterbrochen Bestehen für ihre Quintessenz. Es gibt eine Zeit für alles, eine Jahreszeit für jede Tätigkeit unter Himmel. Eine Zeit zu sein geboren und eine Zeit zu sterben. A Zeit, und eine Zeit zu zu errichten Ernte. Eine Zeit zu töten und eine Zeit zu heilen. Eine Zeit zu und eine Zeit zu herunterreißen Wiederaufbauen. Eine Zeit zu schreien und eine Zeit zu lachen. Eine Zeit zu sich Sorgen machen und eine Zeit zu tanzen. Eine Zeit, Steine zu zerstreuen und eine Zeit, Steine zu erfassen. Eine Zeit zu umfassen und a Zeit, sich weg zu drehen. Eine Zeit zu Suche und eine Zeit zu verlieren. Eine Zeit, und eine Zeit zu zu halten Throw weg. Eine Zeit heftig zu zerreißen und eine Zeit zu reparieren. Eine Zeit Ruhe und eine Zeit zu sein oben sprechen. Eine Zeit zu lieben und eine Zeit zu hassen. Eine Zeit während des Krieges und einer Zeit für Frieden. Ist hier, welche große Männer haben gesagt über der Welt am besten - Verkäufer: „Ich glaube, daß die Bibel das beste Geschenk ist Gott hat dem Mann überhaupt gegeben. Alle das gute vom Retter von Welt wird zu uns mitgeteilt durch dieses Buch. „ -- Präsident Abraham Lincoln „Für müssen uns betrachten, daß wir sollen als Stadt nach einem Hügel sein. Die Augen von alle Leute sind nach uns. Damit wenn wir beschäftigt falsch unseren Gott diesbezüglich Arbeit, die wir uns aufgenommen haben und so ihn veranlassen, sein Geschenk zurückzunehmen von uns helfen, wir wird gebildet a Geschichte und ein byword während Welt. „ --John Winthrop, Regler von der Massachusetts Bucht-Kolonie 1630 „Es ist unmöglich, mit Recht zu regeln Welt ohne Gott und die Bibel. „ - Präsident George Washington „Die Bibel ist kein bloßes Buch, aber ein Leben Geschöpf, mit einer Energie, die erobert alles, das ihr entgegensetzen. „- Napoleon „Dieses Buch erklärt die Vorherrschaft von England. „- Königin Victoria „Wenn es alles in meinem Gedanken gibt oder zu empfehlen die Art, die Gutschrift ist passendes mein Eltern für das Einflößen in mir ein frühes Liebe des Scriptures. Wenn wir vorbei bleiben die Direktion unterrichtet in der Bibel, unserer Land fährt, fort und zu sich zu erweitern erweitern; aber wenn wir und unsere Nachwelt seine Anweisungen und Berechtigung vernachlässigen, kein Mann kann erklären wie plötzliches a Katastrophe kann uns überwältigen und ganzen Ruhm im profunden Obscurity begraben unseren. „ - Daniel Webster (gründenvater) „Die Bibel ist alle weiteren Bücher, die sind überhaupt gedruckt worden. „- Patrick Henry (Gründungsmitglied des kontinentalen Kongresses) „Die Bibel ist der Anker unserer Freiheiten.“ - Präsident US Grant „Geistlich oder sozial zu versklaven ist unmöglich, Bibel-Messwertleute. Die Direktion von Bibel sind die Grundlage der menschlichen Freiheit. „ - Horace Greeley (Herausgeber) „Dieses Buch ist der Felsen, auf dem unsere Republik Reste. „- Präsident Andrew Jackson „In allen meinen Verwirrungen und beunruhigt, hat die Bibel nicht kann nie mich hell und Stärke geben.“ - Generator Robert E. Schutze „Bibelmesswert ist eine Ausbildung in sich.“ - Lord Tennyson (Dichter) „Ist mein veneration für die Bibel so groß, daß, früh fangen meine Kinder an, sie mehr zu lesen überzeugt meine Hoffnung sein, die sie prüfen nützliche Bürger ihres Landes und beachtliche Mitglieder der Gesellschaft. Ich lasse formany Jahre bilden es eine Praxis, durch die Bibel einmal zu lesen jedes Jahr. „- Präsident John Quincy Adams „Das Bestehen der Bibel, als Buch für Leute, sind der größte Nutzen, der der Mensch Rennen hat überhaupt erfahren. Jeder Versuch zu ihn herabsetzen ist ein Verbrechen gegen Menschlichkeit. „ - Immanuel Kant (Philosoph) „Das neue Testament ist das sehr beste Buch das überhaupt oder überhaupt bekannt in der Welt. „ - Charles Dickens (Autor) „Alle menschlichen Entdeckungen scheinen, nur gebildet zu werden mit dem Ziel immer mehr bestätigen stark die Wahrheiten enthalten im heiligen Scriptures. „- Sir William Herschel (Astronom) „Es gibt sicherere Markierungen von Echtheit in der Bibel als in irgendeiner profanen Geschichte. „ - Sir Isaac Newton (Wissenschaftler) „Geisteskultur vorzurücken, fortfahren lassen, den natürlichen Wissenschaften Fortschritt innen lassen sogar grösserer Umfang und Tiefe und der menschliche Verstand verbreitert sich so viel wie er wünscht; über dem Aufzug hinaus und moralische Kultur des Christentums, wie es glänzt weiter in den Evangelien, es wird nicht gehen. „- Goethe (Autor) „Ich habe fünfundneunzig der Welt gekannt große Männer in meiner Zeit und von diesen acht sieben waren Nachfolger der Bibel. Bibel wird mit einem Spezialgebiet von Ursprung gestempelt, und ein nicht meßbarer Abstand trennt sich es von allen Konkurrenten. „ - W.E. Gladstone (Premierminister) „Was Verdienst dort in allem der ist Ich habe liege einfach an der Tatsache das geschrieben als ich ein Chile war, las meine Muttertageszeitung ich ein Teil der Bibel und täglich gebildet mich ein Teil von ihm auswendig erlernen. „- John Ruskin (kunstkritiker und Sozialkommentator) „Die Bibel ist das Magna Charta von gewesen schlecht und unterdrückt. Die menschliche Rasse ist nicht in einer von ihr Abstand zu nehmen Position. „- Thomas Huxley (Autor u. Wissenschaftler) „Die vollständige Hoffnung des menschlichen Fortschritts ist verschoben auf dem ständig wachsenden Einfluß von der Bibel. „- W.H. Seward (Staatssekretär) „Amerika war eine christliche Nation geboren. Amerika wurde getragen, diese Hingabe zu zu illustrieren Elemente von righteousness, die abgeleitet werden von den Enthüllung von heiligem Scriptures. Teil vom Schicksal der Amerikaner liegt in ihrer Tageszeitung Durchsicht dieses großen Buches von Enthüllung. Das, wenn sie Amerika frei sehen würden und rein bilden sie ihren eigenen Geist frei und rein durch diese Taufe des heiligen Geistes. „ --Präsident Woodrow Wilson Für Christen, das Leben und Tod von Jesus sind die entscheidenden Ausdrücke der Liebe und die Obersten Demonstrationen des Gottes Gnade, Pflichtgefühl und Abzahlung. Seit Christs wundersamer Auferstehung vor auf Ostern mehr als 2.000 Jahren, Christen haben Freude ausgedrückt und Dankbarkeit für dieses erstaunliche Opfer und für Versprechung des Gottes der Freiheit für unterdrückt, heilend für das defekte - hearted und Rettung. --Präsident George W. Bush „Es kann nicht zu stark hervorgehoben werden oder zu häufig, daß diese große Nation war vorbei gegründet, nicht durch religionists, aber Christen; nicht auf Religionen, aber an das Evangelium von Jesus Christ. Für dieses sehr Grundvölker anderer Glauben sind geleistetes Asyl, Wohlstand gewesen, und Freiheit der Anbetung hier. „ --Patrick Henry (Gründungsmitglied vom kontinentalen Kongreß) Gott entwarf Menschen, um zu zu wünschen an etwas glauben. Das ist Bild des Gottes, der in uns ist. Aber wie G.K. Chesterton setzte es berühmt, wenn wir den Gott von zurückweisen Bibel, glauben wir nicht an nichts; wir glauben an alles -- Einschließen Kleine grüne Männer. -- Klemme Colson Ich versuche hier, jedermann an zu verhindern die wirklich dumme Sache sagen, das bevölkeren häufig Sagen über Jesus Christ: „Ich bin bereit Jesus als großer moralischer Lehrer annehmen, aber ich nehme nicht seinen Anspruch an, um Gott zu sein. „ Die ist die eine Sache, die wir nicht sagen dürfen. Ein Mann, der bloß ein Mann und gesagt war die Art der Sachen Jesus gesagt würde nicht sein ein großer moralischer Lehrer. Er würde irgendein sein ein verrücktes -- auf einer Ebene mit einem Mann, der sagt er ist ein poschiertes Ei -- oder sonst würde er sein der Teufel der Hölle. Du mußt deine Wahl treffen. Jeder dieser Mann und sind, waren der Sohn des Gottes oder sonst ein Irres oder etwas schlechter…. Du kannst ihn schließen für Dummkopf kannst du an ihm spucken und ihn als a töten Dämon; oder du kannst an seinen Füßen fallen und ihn anrufen Lord und Gott. Aber uns nicht mit irgendwelchen oben kommen lassen patronizing Unsinn über sein Sein ein großes menschlicher Lehrer. Er hat nicht diese Wahl gelassen zu uns öffnen. Er beabsichtigte nicht zu. -- Von Argument für Christentum, durch C.S. Lewis „Jeden Kursteilnehmer einfach angewiesen werden lassen und ernsthaft betätigt worden, um die Hauptleitung gut zu betrachten Ende seines Lebens und Studien ist, Gott zu kennen und Jesus Christ, der ewiges Leben ist (John 17:3). „ -- - Die Gesetze und die Gesetze von Harvard Hochschule 1643 „Alle Gelehrten leben fromm, godly, und tadellose Leben entsprechend den Richtlinien vom Wort des Gottes das heilige mit Sorgfalt lesend Scriptures, der Brunnen des Lichtes und der Wahrheit; und nach allen Aufgaben ständig beachten von der Religion in der öffentlichkeit und im Geheimnis. „ -- - Zwei zentrale Anforderungen in Yale Charter der Hochschule 1745 Wenn du stoppst, was zu glauben dein Professor dir erklärt mußte zutreffend sein und wenn du beginnst Denken für selbst kannst du zu einigem kommen Zusammenfassungen, die du nicht erwartet hattest. Du kannst die Bibelmarken finden mehr Richtung als du Gedanke oder wurden erklärt, um zu denken. Sich erlauben ruiniert werden, hinsichtlich was dich ruiniert worden dachte immer konnte zutreffend sein. Kannst du glauben was verstehst du nicht? Du und ich glauben täglich, was wir nicht es sei denn es verstehen kommt zur Ausgabe der Rettung. -- - Dr. Woodrow Kroll Es gibt einfach keine historische Grundlage für in Position bringen, daß die Verfasser beabsichtigten, zu errichten „Wand der Trennung“, die constitutionalized in Everson war. Die 'Wand der Trennung zwischen Kirche und state ist eine Metapher, die auf Schlechtem basiert Geschichte, eine Metapher, die unbrauchbares geprüft hat als Führer zum Beurteilen. Er sollte aufrichtig sein und ausdrücklich verlassen. -- - Oberrichter von das US Höchste Gericht, William Rehnquist In 1796 gab das US Höchste Gericht dieses heraus Anordnen, „durch unsere Form der Regierung, Christliche Religion ist die hergestellte Religion, und alle sects und Bezeichnungen der Christen werden auf gleiche Fußnote gesetzt. „Einige 57 Jahre später nachdem Kongreß ersucht wurde, christliche Grundregeln von der Regierung zu trennen, 1853 der Haus-richterliche Ausschuß gab ihr heraus formaler Report, einschließlich diese Wörter: „Diesbezüglich Alter dort ist kein Ersatz für Christentum. Dieses war die Religion der Gründer von Republik und sie erwarteten es, um zu sein Religion ihrer Abhängigen. Die großen lebenswichtigen, konservative Elemente in unserem System ist Glaube unserer Leute in den reinen Lehren und göttliche Wahrheiten des Evangeliums von Jesus Christ. „ -- - Dr. Gerald Beavan „Es ist die Aufgabe von Nationen, sowie Männer, zu eigener ihrer Abhängigkeit nach dem Überlagern Energie des Gottes und den Sublime erkennen Wahrheit verkündet im heiligen Scriptures und geprüft durch alle Geschichte, diese nur jene Nationen werden gesegnet dessen Gott der Lord ist. „ -- Präsident Abraham Lincoln Vertrauen in selbst und du werdet zu verurteilt Enttäuschung; Vertrauen im Geld und in dir kann es von dir nehmen lassen; aber Vertrauen innen Gott und du sollt nie verwirrt werden in der Zeit oder in der Ewigkeit. - D.L. schwermütig Glaube und Liebe sind passend, spasmodic zu sein im besten des Verstandes. Männer und Frauen leben am Rande der Geheimnisse und der Harmonien in, welches sie nie und mit ihrem kommen Hand auf dem doorlatch, das sie draußen sterben. -- GK Chesterton Beste Wünsche für anhaltende überlegenheit, Dr. Whoami P.S. Ist hier etwas blogs, die ich fand vom Interesse, wie ich über meine Weise verhandelte durch Cyberspace: Ist Jesus Gott? Religion-Vergleich Den Jesus Film aufpassen Muhammad oder Jesus??? Antwortender Islam Ein kurzer Blick bei sechs Weltreligionen Wort des Gottes in den unterschiedlichen Sprachen… Wie man ein Christ wird Wer ist Jesus? Um den Brunnen Jeder Kursteilnehmer „Gedanke u. Stimmung“ Mir einmal erklären, was deine Gedanken auf dem oben genannten sind: O)

At 1:28 PM, Blogger Roger the Shrubber said...

Get thee to hell (in a handbasket)

At 1:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Moi only speak Francais....may you translate for moi?

At 2:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear FrenchyMcHardBody:

No problem! Here ya go:

Dr. WhoAmI a dit… . Tu as un livre de bord d'appareil de réseau attachant et dois avoir sans aucun doute le potentiel atypique et bewegungsloses pour tes lecteurs envisagés. Je peux proposer que tu honores tout dans ton énergie ton encyclopédique/allwissend Entwerfer/architecte en outre comme tes revering public. Aussitôt que nous confirmons ces colonels Entwerfer/architecte celui qui a redressé cela beauteous tissus de l'univers, notre entendement doit est nécessairement ravished avec des miracles sa qualité infinate, intelligence et de l'énergie. En plus jamais, tout le monde limitent continuellement des occasions pour la recherche ne rappellent s'il vous plaît existence pour leur quintessence. Tout y a un temps pour, une saison pour chaque activité sous des cieux. Un temps être né et un temps mourir. A temps d'établir trop et un temps récolte. Un temps tuer et un temps guérir. Un temps trop et un temps à des Wiederaufbauen herunterreissen. Un temps pleurer et un temps rire. Un temps à lui des préoccupations font et un temps danser. Un temps de disperser des pierres et de saisir un temps, des pierres. Un temps de couvrir et a temps, de se tourner loin. Un temps à une recherche et un temps perdre. Un temps de tenir et un temps trop Throw loin. Un temps rompre violemment et un temps réparer. Parler en haut un temps repos et un temps être. Un temps aimer et un temps haïr. Un temps pendant la guerre et un temps pour la paix. Il est ici, quels grands hommes ont dit sur le monde - des vendeurs le plus mieux : „Je crois que la bible le meilleur cadeau est un dieu a l'homme effectivement donné. Tout le bon du sauveteur du monde est communiqué à nous par ce livre. „ -- Le président Abraham Lincoln „il doit nous considérer que nous devons être comme ville après une colline. Les yeux toutes les personnes sont après nous. Afin que si nous employons faux notre dieu à cet égard le travail que nous nous sommes commencé et provoquons ainsi lui, son cadeau reprendre de nous aider, nous cultivé a histoire et byword pendant le monde. „ --John Winthrop, régulateurs du Massachusetts colonie de baie 1630 „lui est impossible de régler avec raison le monde sans dieu et la bible. „- le président George Washington „la bible n'est toutefois pas un simple livre, une vie créature, avec une énergie qui conquiert tout que lui on s'oppose. „- Napoléon „ce livre déclare la prédominance d'Angleterre. „- reine Victoria „si tout y a dans ma pensée ou recommander la sorte, est le crédit convenable mon parents pour cela coulait dans moi un précoce amour du Scriptures. Si nous restons au delà la direction dans la bible, notre pays conduisons informé, loin et à lui étendre étendre; mais si nous et notre postérité négligeons ses instructions et une autorisation, aucun homme nous peut déclare comme un a soudain une catastrophe peut submerger et renommée entière dans l'Obscurity profond enterrer nos. „- le Daniel Webster (gründenvater) „la bible est tous les autres livres qui sont effectivement imprimé. „- le Patrick Henry (membre fondateur du congrès continental) „la bible est l'ancre de nos libertés. « - Le président États-Unis des Grant „asservir spirituellement ou au niveau social est impossible, personnes de valeur mesurée de bible. La direction de la bible être la base de la liberté humaine. „- le Horace Greeley (éditeurs) „ce livre est les rochers, sur lequel la notre république des restes. „- le président Andrew Jackson „dans toutes mes confusions et inquiète, n'a moi lumineux jamais la bible ne peut pas et un pouvoir donner. « - Le générateur Robert E. Schutze „valeur mesurée de bible est une formation en soi. « - Le Lord Tennyson (poètes) „est grand mon veneration pour la bible alors que, recueillir tôt mes enfants dessus, lui à plus lire convainc mon espoir son qu'ils examinent citoyens utiles de leur pays et membres considérables de la société. Je fais former formany des années une pratique de lire une fois chaque année par la bible. „- le président John Quincy Adam „l'existence de la bible, comme livre pour des personnes, être l'utilisation la plus forte qui l'homme a des courses effectivement appris. Chaque tentative l'abaisser est un crime contre l'humanité. „- Immanuel Kant (philosophe) „la nouvelle volonté est très meilleur le livre cela effectivement ou effectivement connu dans le monde. „- des Charles épaissir (auteur) „toutes les découvertes humaines semblent être formés seulement avec l'objectif confirmer de plus en plus les vérités contenu dans sanctifier fortement le Scriptures. „- Sir William Herschel (astronome) „lui donne des marquages plus sûrs de l'authenticité dans la bible que dans une histoire profanen. „- „avancer, continuer une ampleur même plus grande et la profondeur et l'entendement humain laissent, laissent à l'intérieur aux sciences naturelles le progrès Sir Isaac Newton (scientifique) à culture d'esprit s'élargissent aussi beaucoup qu'elle souhaitent ; au-delà de l'élévateur et la culture morale du christianisme, comme brille aux Evangelien, lui n'ira pas plus loin. „- que (auteur) „moi a quatre-vingt-dix le monde connu grands hommes dans mon temps et de ces huit sept était des successeurs de la bible. La bible est marquée avec une spécialité d'origine, et une distance non mesurable se sépare le de tous les concurrents. „- W.E. Gladstone (Premiers ministres) „que des gains sont là dans tout celui moi ont se trouvent le fait cela écrit simplement dessus en tant que j'étais, ai lu Chili mon journal de jour de la fête des mères moi une partie de la bible et tous les jours moi une partie de lui apprends cultivé de mémoire. „- John Ruskin (plus kunstkritiker et commentateur social) „la bible est opprimé le Magna charte été mauvais et. La course humaine n'est pas dans un sa renoncer de la position. „- (auteur et scientifique) „l'espoir complet de Thomas Huxley du progrès humain est décalé sur l'influence constamment croissante de la bible. „- W.H. Seward (secrétaire d'Etat) „l'Amérique était né une nation chrétienne. L'Amérique a été portée illustrer trop cette dévotion les éléments righteousness qui sont dérivés le dévoilement d'un Scriptures saint. La partie du destin des Américains se trouve dans son quotidien une visibilité de ce grand livre d'un dévoilement. Cela, s'ils voyaient librement l'Amérique et purement former eux leur propre esprit par ce baptême sanctifier librement et purement de l'esprit. „ --Les expressions cruciales des amours et les colonels Demonstrationen du dieu faveur, sentiment de devoir et amortissement sont le président Woodrow Wilson pour des chrétiens, la vie et le décès des Jesus. Depuis que des Christs d'Auferstehung wundersamer ont en avant sur Pâques plus de 2.000 ans, chrétiens joie exprimé et remerciements pour cette victime étonnante et pour la promesse du dieu de la liberté opprimé, curatif pour le défectif - hearted et sauvetage. --Le président George W. Bush „lui ne peut pas être souligné trop fortement ou trop fréquemment que cette grande nation n'était pas fondé au delà, religionists, toutefois un chrétien ; pas sur des religions, toutefois à l'Evangelium des Jesus chrétien. Pour celui-ci, des peuples de base autre foi ont été beaucoup asile effectué, une prospérité, et la liberté des Anbetung ici. „ --Le Patrick Henry (membre fondateur du congrès continental) a mis un dieu au point à des hommes souhaiter plus de trop à quelque chose croit. C'est une image du dieu qui est dans nous. Mais comme G.K. le Chesterton l'a placé célèbre, si nous rejetons le dieu bible, ne croyons pas nous à rien ; nous croyons à tout -- Petits comprennent des hommes verts. -- Coince le Colson moi essaye ici d'empêcher dessus tout le monde la chose vraiment stupide dire qui fréquemment légendes bevölkeren sur des Jesus chrétien : „Je suis des Jesus en tant que grand enseignant moral accepte prêt, je n'accepte toutefois pas son exigence, pour être un dieu. „Celui est l'une chose que nous ne pouvons pas dire. Un homme auquel seulement un homme a été dit et le type de choses Jesus serait dit ne pas être un grand enseignant moral. Il serait un un fou -- à un niveau avec un homme auquel il dit est un poschiertes EI -- ou d'ailleurs, il serait le diable de l'enfer. Tu dois faire ton choix. Cet homme et le fils du dieu ou d'ailleurs un fou était chacun, était mal ou légèrement…. Tu peux le fermer pour imbécile peux tu à lui cracher et lui comme a tuer Dämon ; ou tu peux tomber et appeler à ses pieds lui Lord et dieu. Mais nous avec des ne pas venir en haut patronizing l'absurdité sur un grand des enseignants humains peuvent être étés. Il n'a pas ce choix avec calme à nous ouvrir. Il n'a pas envisagé trop. -- D'un argument pour christianisme, C.S. des Lewis „chaque participant de cours simplement être instruits laissent et sérieusement, pour considérer bien la conduite principale fin de sa vie et d'études sont, un dieu actionnés de connaître et à des Jesus le chrétien qui est une vie éternelle (John 17:3). „ -- - Les lois et les lois des Harvard établissement d'enseignement supérieur 1643 „tous les savants vivent pieusement, godly, et des vies parfaites conformément aux directives du mot du dieu avec un soin lisant le Scriptures saint, le puits de la lumière et de la vérité ; et après toutes les tâches considérer constamment de la religion dans le public et dans le secret. „ -- - Deux exigences centrales dans les Yale charte de l'établissement d'enseignement supérieur en 1745 si tu s'arrêtes que croire ton professeur devait être juste déclaré te et si tu commences une pensée elle-même peux tu à quelques-un venir les résumés que tu n'avais pas attendus. Tu peux trouver les types de bible plus de direction que tu une pensée ou déclares, pour penser. On se permettre de ruiner, en ce qui concerne lesquel t'a pensé ruiné pouvait toujours être juste. Peux-tu croire ce que tu ne comprends pas ? Tu et moi-même croient tous les jours, ce que nous ne comprenons pas à moins que lui venons aux dépenses du sauvetage. -- - Dr. Woodrow Kroll lui ne donne pas de base historique pour la dans position apporte simplement que les auteurs ont envisagé, établir „la paroi de la séparation « qui était constitutionalized dans les Everson. 'La paroi de la séparation entre l'église et state est une métaphore, sur mauvais se base une histoire, une métaphore qu'inutile a examinée comme chef visant juger. Il devrait être sincère et expressément quitter. -- - Le juge supérieur les États-Unis la cour la plus élevée, les William Rehnquist dans 1796 a donné cela aux États-Unis la cour la plus élevée de celui-ci disposer, „par notre forme de gouvernement, religion chrétienne est dehors la religion fabriquée, et tous sects et désignations des chrétiens sont placés sur la même note en bas de page. „Quelques 57 ans plus tard après que le congrès a été demandé de séparer des règles de base chrétiennes au gouvernement, en 1853 le juridique comité a donné son rapport, formel dehors, ces mots : „L'âge n'est pas à cet égard là un remplacement pour christianisme. Celui-ci était la religion des fondateurs de république et lui s'est attendu l'à être une religion plus de de ses dépendants. La foi de nos personnes dans les enseignements purs et des vérités göttliche de l'Evangeliums des Jesus chrétien sont les grands éléments essentiels et conservateurs dans notre système. „ -- - Dr. Gerald Beavan „lui est la tâche des nations, ainsi que des hommes, examiné à propre de leur dépendance après recouvrir d'énergie du dieu et le sublime ne reconnaissent la vérité sanctifient annoncé des Scriptures et par toute l'histoire, ceux-ci que ces nations son dieu le Lord sont bénis. „ -- Le président Abraham Lincoln de confiance elle-même et tu condamne trop une déception ; La confiance dans l'argent et dans te peut le faire prendre de te ; mais on ne doivent confondre à l'intérieur jamais de la confiance dieu et tu dans le temps ou dans l'éternité. - D.L. foi et amour sont schwermütig convenables d'être spasmodic dans le meilleur de l'entendement. Des hommes et des femmes vivent au bord des secrets et des harmonies qui ils ne viennent jamais et avec leur main sur cela doorlatch qui ils meurent dehors. -- GK Chesterton meilleurs de désirs pour la supériorité continuelle, Dr. Whoami P.S. est ici quelque chose blogs que j'ai trouvé de l'intérêt, comme j'ai négocié plus de ma manière par des Cyberspace : Le Jesus est-il un dieu ? Comparaison de religion le Jesus film des Muhammad ou des Jesus font attention ? ? ? Islam répondant une courte vue avec six religions mondiales mot du dieu dans les langues différentes… Comment un chrétien devient-il celui qui est des Jesus ? Autour du puits chaque participant de cours „la pensée et l'ambiance « moi expliquent une fois, que tes pensées sur mentionné ci-dessus sont : O)

At 2:11 PM, Blogger Cake said...

So. Scared.

All 5'2" of you after me...*shiver*.

At 2:12 PM, Blogger Roger the Shrubber said...

You should be!

I know where to get a comb

At 2:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here, use mine

At 2:16 PM, Blogger Cake said...

All 4'8" of you? Yer practically a hobbit...or an Ewok. You don't scare me.

At 2:17 PM, Blogger Cake said...

Et tu, CombBoy??

At 2:19 PM, Blogger Roger the Shrubber said...

Why thank you. You're too kind!

At 2:22 PM, Blogger Cake said...

::grabs comb and runs::

Just try and catch me on your little 3'10" hobbit legs!!!

At 2:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought she was only three apples high...

At 2:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't even see her, where'd she go?

At 3:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

< inside joke >My feet are cold.< /inside joke >

At 6:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You need socks.


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